Grantsville Diabetes Care Manager
Barbara Cooper, LPN
304-462-9700 Ext 1800
November is Diabetes awareness month
November 14th is “World Diabetes Day”
The blue circle is the universal symbol for diabetes
10 things that you may not know about Diabetes?
1. About one third of all people with diabetes do not know they have the disease.
2. Type 2 diabetes often does not have any symptoms.
3. Only about five percent of all people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes.
4. If you are at risk, type 2 diabetes can be prevented with moderate weight loss (10–15 pounds) and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity (such as brisk walking) each day.
5. A meal plan for a person with diabetes isn’t very different than that which is recommended for people without diabetes.
6. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults.
7. People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop heart disease than someone without diabetes.
8. Good control of diabetes significantly reduces the risk of developing complications and prevents complications from getting worse.
9. Bariatric surgery can reduce the symptoms of diabetes in obese people.
10. Diabetes costs $174 billion annually, including $116 billion in direct medical expenses.
Your diabetes is managed with your care team.
MHHS is a community health organization dedicated to serving you, your family and our community.
Our staff has a strong commitment to providing quality services so you can get the services you need,
when you need them, to the best of our ability. The Medical Home puts "you," the patient, at the center
of healthcare, as innovative, team-based approach to provide health care services. A relationship
develops between you and your provider/team and together, your care is more accessible continuous,
comprehensive, coordinated/integrated and family centered. We want you to be actively involved in your
health care so we encourage preventive care, self care management and provide health education
activities such support and wellness groups. We value respectful communication with each other as well
as with you and we conduct ourselves with this in mind. We are privileged to serve you and your family.
With this in mind we have established a care team that consists of your Physician and/or Nurse
Practitioner, nursing staff, and other support staff. The Communication Nurse, Care Manager, and Referral
Manager are part of all the care teams across the practice to proved more efficient, coordinated care,
utilizing electronic health information systems/tools and other resources for optimal care.
Registration Staff
Registration staff will assist you with tasks such as making appointments, verifying insurance,
documentation and any other support needed to assist you with your diabetes. Registration Staff will also
Identify communication preferences that your care team will use during your care.
Nursing Staff
Nurse's help patients that have diabetes, a disease that prevents the body from producing or absorbing
enough insulin. Since much of their job is spent relaying important information between patients,
doctors, and family members, a diabetes nurse's greatest asset is their ability to communicate. Nursing
staff will help you during your appointment to document and take charge of your care while helping you
understand the providers orders. Nurses will take a caring approach in helping you understand your
Communication Nurse
The Communication Nurse is responsible for communicating information to your provider between
appointments. Contact the Communication Nurse if you need help understanding your care or
prescription refills.
Your Primary Doctor or Nurse Practitioner is responsible for establishing your diabetes care plan. During
your appointment they will establish goals and recommend lifestyle changes necessary to maintain your
diabetes. As a part of your care plan, it is important to have your lab work done as ordered by your
provider (see Q&A to the right for information on A1C test)
Referral Manager
Your Referral Manager will track your referrals if you need to be seen by a specialist. They will help to insure that you are referred to a specialist approved by your insurance.
Care Managers
Care Managers are available as part of your care team, to assist you with self-management skills (checking finger stick blood glucose, injecting insulin, following appropriate diet and exercise plans), provide education, and assist with scheduling retina exams and follow up appointments. Care Managers are available as needed during your scheduled visits or may contact you by phone or email as needed.
Outreach plays a vital part in your care by providing patients with valuable tips and resources that help to manage your diabetes. As a part of our Outreach efforts we provide free support groups. Patients find that is can be easier to manage a disease when they have support from other people with the same conditions. During a typical support group you should expect occasional guest speakers, discussions, collaboration, diet recommendations and disease management techniques.
Next Diabetes Support Group meeting:
Diabetes Support Group Meeting
Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 4:00pm in the MHHS Annex Building
Topic: Healthy Heart, Healthy Life
Everyone welcome!
POC: Barb McKown at 304-354-9700 ext 1235
At Minnie Hamilton, We do everything that we can to help you to prevent, treat and understand Diabetes
Please contact one of our Care Managers or our outreach representative to learn about how Minnie Hamilton Healthcare can help you with your diabetes, If you prefer, fill out the form below and we will contact you.
Glenville Diabetes Care Manager
Kathy Nicholson, LPN
304-354-9700 Ext 6086
Your partner in health today, tomorrow, and for life.
Call Us: 304-354-9244
Emergency: Call 911
Diabetes Outreach Coordinator
Barb McKown 304-354-9700, Ext.1235